The original song is an alternative rock song by Dunning Kruger called Japan Song. I chose this song because it was completely outside of my usual music and I wanted to challenge myself. I wanted to see if I was able to go outside of my comfort zone and create something that could possibly be asked of me in the future. It started out a little intimidating at first, but in the end I was able to come up with a different version that I enjoyed listening to.
Version 1 was created using some objects from around the house. First I used the sound of metal scraping together and put it in time with the guitars to give them another sound element. I then added the sound of water from my faucet more as a background to fill in some of the spaces and add little distortion. The more prominent sound is my blinds. I used it in place of a shaker or tambourine.
Version 2 was created using rewire to connect Ableton Live to Logic Pro X. For this one I wanted a completely different sound from the intended alternative rock. I added some bass, drums and a shaker. The intent was to give the song a more upbeat feel. Also I wanted to give it a more hip hop feel.
Version 3 Has added live elements. First I played some single notes and then I added a more dominant strum to place in the foreground of the song. It still has the alternative rock feel, but the original groove of the song was changed.